
Call for Submissions open until December 15, 2024

Libertroph Magazine is a collection of art and stories about white anti-racist organizing efforts past and present. May they serve as a historical archive and an index of possibilities for the future

The kinds of submissions we’re looking for include:

  • Visual art that reflects your vision of a world where we have been liberated from the oppressive systems of racism and white supremacy (e.g. paintings, drawings, photographs, collages, comics, etc!)

  • Non-fiction writing such as personal essays and historical analyses that reflect antiracism practice, ancestral reckoning, stories of white organizers and accomplices past and present, etc.

  • Fictional narratives and speculative fiction that help us see and feel possibilities for antiracist, pro-Black futures

  • Poetry of any and all kind related to the theme

  • Recipes for food and/or living that invite our senses into the liberation process

  • Visual tools like timelines and infographics that deepen our collective understanding of history, data, etc

  • Somatic offerings such as meditations and prompts for somatic noticing that ground us in our bodies and spirits

  • Practice resources such as a reparations budget template or a facilitator’s workshop agenda

  • Video and/or audio that add new sensory dimensions to the kinds of submissions and themes referenced above

  • Other! Be creative! Maybe you’re growing a garden of your favorite ancestral vegetables and want to write a guide for others to do the same. Maybe you want to write a play about your attempts at anti-racist parenting in America. Whatever creative endeavors you’re undertaking to contribute to an antiracist, pro-Black future, we want to hear about it!

Up to 3 submissions per contributor.

At this time Libertroph is a volunteer-run effort and we do not have resources to pay contributors. However, we will be seeking funding and will update contributors if funds become available. If you have access to resources that could be donated to contributors or our BIPOC-led peers, please let us know.

Submissions will be accepted from anybody with a story to tell about white anti-racist organizing or culture-building, regardless of your race.

The magazine will likely have both digital and print editions. Your submission may be included in one or both.